The history of the hikers began in the early years of this century with night walks from Sabadell to the Montserrat Monastery (34 km)
Shortly afterwards, Rafael Fernández, former regional coordinator, began with a small group of 7 people to do a GR (Long Distance Walking Trail) that runs between the coastal city of Mataró in the province of Barcelona and ends in the South of France, in Prades de Conflent, after overcoming the Canigó peak of 2,784 metres.
Once a month, on a Saturday, a stage of about 25 kilometres was done. Little by little the number of participants increased and in just a few years we had already added more than 35 people to the outings, so we decided to rent a bus to go all together and thus avoid taking private cars.
To organize these outings we count on the voluntary support of Servas colleagues and sympathizers to control the group during the walks, since you have to be very careful in some sections, follow the signs, consult maps and GPS, carry a first aid kit, etc.
So far, we have walked more than 1,500 kilometres. Making friends, visiting landscapes of special beauty, getting to know different types of plants, trees. Crossing high mountains, rivers and valleys... but the most beautiful thing is that friendship is fostered at each meeting. Hugs are the best example of the joy of the meeting. Respect and love for nature increases when sharing these interesting paths. Each outing is a positive act of meeting for all those who participate.
We are currently doing another long-distance route, the GR7, which runs between Andorra and the Strait of Gibraltar, but we are only doing the Catalan part (400 km).
From here, we encourage all Servas and supporters to organize this type of outing because it is also a way of building a friendlier world from the roads, where sharing conversation, food and landscapes, strengthens the bonds of friendship and certifies in some way that the best hostel is the one we carry in our hearts.
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