Hi there! I'm Morgan Knoesen (Servas South Africa Peace Secretary) and I'm doing a Walk 4 Peace in Europe. No destination and no timeline. There is so much Joy, and Love, and Beauty in this World! Together, let's multiply it all!
I have decided to take an explorative walk this year, to spread a message of peace and kindness along my journey. Starting in Lisbon, Portugal on 15 Feb I will head North on foot and see where the year takes me. No destination and no timeline.
I wish to promote the 2 organisations I am most passionate about along the way- Servas and Veterans for Peace. I have also created a Be Kind Movement through which I will distribute and sell bumper stickers to fund my travels although most of my journey will be through and in the wilderness and rural villages.
I will be writing a blog where Servas members can follow my journey if they wish. If anyone would like to sponsor a day or week of my pilgrimage they are welcome to do that too.
Peace and blessings to you
Morgan Knoesen
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